Fine Artist
"I am interested in conceptual and contemporary art. I make use of different kinds of materials to communicate ideas around feelings of security and insecurity. I explore the relationship between an inner psychological space and how an individual projects this on to their environment.
I research ways in which we identify and interacted with our surroundings through the construction of sculptures. The works eventually evoke the desire of human being to adapt to the environment and contradictory, the desire of being isolated as a way to feel more secure." (Christy, 2013)
A background short story...
As a child I often accompanied my family in crafts and artworks. Some paintings from my grandparent were exposed on the walls of the house where I grew up and a participation in a ceramics course made me interested in sculpture since then. This influenced me must to communicate ideas visually. In the university, I continued the studies in sculptures together with Portuguese literature that gave me a critical eye on questions about humanity. Then I had the opportunity to work with my father in engineering and product design. These experiences instilled in me the desire to produce artworks as an artist someday, yet I understand that the art today is more complex. This complexity requires more education, and with that in mind, I have recently finished the MA Fine Art course in Farnham in the University for the Creative Arts.
In addition to my previous influence in arts and product design, I have had the work experiences that further enhance my qualifications. My resume enumerates the position I have held at a product design department as a CAD designer for an automotive company in Portugal in which interested me to study mechanical engineering and combine it with art. That position has allowed me to develop project skills and understand the marketplace industrial production.
My positive experiences here have resulted in my desire to stay in UK continue my careers endeavors; furthermore, working here would allow me to make important business contacts, with the career goal of opening my own studio or working in the creative industry.
Please, keep in touch if you are interested do know more about.
Warm Regards,
Christy del Fresno